Computer Class in Satellite Ahmedabad
Polymorphism means more than one form. If we represent one thing in different form then it’s called Polymorphism. The real example of Polymorphism: Calculator is an example Polymorphism .If we want to do operations like addition, multiplication we can use two methods. It can take any type of arguments like Integer Addition or Double Addition […]
Inner class means one class inside another class or we can say that one class is member of another class. Such class is known as nested class. Syntax: class OuterClass { // … class NestedClass { // … } } How to access inner class? To access the inner class, create an […]
What is variable? Variable is a memory location where we can store the data. Why need variable? In programming we can’t use data directly. We have to store the data first(on which we are going to process) in memory . This memory is allocated as per Data Type. Features of Variable: The variable can store […]
Hibernate is an open-source Object-relational mapper solution in Java. It is lightweight and overcomes all the shortcomings that we face while working with JDBC. It provides a framework for mapping an object-oriented domain model to a relational database. … Hibernate also provides data query and retrieval facilities. TCCI is Best computer coaching class in Ahmedabad where you can learn […]
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