Computer Engineering Coaching
What is Data Type and Why Data Type Need? In programming there are different types of data used for example 987, 876.34, xyz, Hello World, %, # etc. As a human being we can differentiate that these all data are different but machine can’t differentiate data, so, to differentiate data they have been categorized in […]
What is Loop in Programming? To write once, but execute more than one time is called Loop in Programming. This will save time of developer to write n time. 3 type of Loop: for while do-while We see one by one in detail. There are 3 sections in each loop: there is loop variable i/j […]
What is SQL ? SQL stands for Structured Query Language. SQL is a language for interacting with data in a database. SQL works following: Create, Putting data into tables. Read Query data out of a table. Update Change data already in a table .Delete Remove data from the table. What is an Importance of SQL? […]
The OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Data Model ISO standard for computer networks design and functioning. -Involves at least 7 layers, each playing a specific role when applications are communicating over the net. During the sending process, each layer (from top to down) will add a specific header to the raw data. At the reception, headers […]
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