Data Types in JavaScript
- March 25, 2023
- Posted by: Riddhi Dhandha
- Category: JavaScript Web Design Course at TCCI
JavaScript is a lightweight, cross-platform, object-based scripting language. JavaScript is not compiled, but translated. A JavaScript translator (built into your browser) is responsible for translating JavaScript code. Useful for validating input in a web browser without going to a server. As the user interacts with her web page, it’s convenient to work with the HTML DOM and CSS.
Data Types in JavaScript are as below:-
Integer data types are used to store numeric data only. That is a number that does not itself have a fractional part.
Floating-point types include all types where numbers can have a fractional part, such as: For example: 3.14 or pi.
Most modern computer programming languages store alphabets and letters by representing each with a small numeric code.
Most modern computer programming languages have a means of representing strings, which are collections of characters such as words and sentences, and perform manipulation operations on data for various purposes.
An array that is a collection of data items, all of the same data type. It facilitates execution by performing some operations on index values.
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