Difference between Tuple and List in Python at TCCI
- November 30, 2020
- Posted by: Riddhi Dhandha
- Category: Python Coaching at TCCI
Tuple and List are used to store data in Python Language.
Tuple: A tuple is a collection of values and it is declared using parentheses. However, we can also use a tuple packing to do the same, and unpacking to assign its values to a sequence.
Lists: Unlike in C++, we don’t have arrays to work with in Python. Here, we have a list instead.
· Mutability
- A List is Mutable
- B Tuple is Immutable
· In built Methods:
- Following Methos can apply to List append(), insert(), remove(), pop(), clear(), sort(), and reverse().
- But not applicable to Tuple.
· Inside Storage
- We can store tuples in a list when we want to. For example,
- [(1, ‘ABC’), (2, ‘DEF’), (3, ‘GHI’)]
o Lists in a Tuple
- Likewise, we can also use a tuple to store lists. Let’s see how.
· Use:
- >>> mytuple=([1,2],[3,4],[5,6])
- Use a tuple when you know what information goes in the container that it is. For example, when you want to store a person’s credentials for your website.
o >>> person=(‘ABC’,’admin’,’12345′)
- But when you want to store similar elements, like in an array in C++, you should use a list.
o >>> groceries=[‘bread’,’butter’,’cheese’]
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